Monday, August 27, 2007

Lesson Learned

This card was for a swap for a group that I belong to. I started this about 2 1/2 weeks before it was due. That is amazing for me, since I do EVERYTHING last minute. So it was 2 1/2 weeks before it is due and I have all the pieces cut, stamped and ready to assemble. I decide I will finish at another time and guess what.....I completly forgot about it until two nights before it is due. Man that stinks, so I hurry up and put them together during a club meeting while my customers are working on their projects so I can overnight them to the hostess. The good news is that I got them done! The bad news is that I packed them in the box with the other supplies from the class and forgot all about them again! Lesson learned....don't ever start your swaps too early, lol.

This card uses the new in colors for this year. Soft Sky is used for the base. I then used my paper piercer to add to the top right corner of a 5 and 1/4 x 4 piece of Blue Bayou .
Next I used the prints designer series paper in Soft Sky, I used both sides of the paper since it it two sided. One pieces is 3 and 3/4 by 3 and 3/4 and the strip is 3 and 3/4 by 1 and 1/2. On the thin piece at the bottom I used the slit punch to do the scallops and then the Crop-A-Dile to put the holes in the scallops. The greeting is from the new Hugs and Wishes set and is stamped in black along with the lady bugs from the Whimsy Set on the larger piece. The new scallop punch was used on Barely Banana to make the fist layer of the main image followed by a circle of soft sky and then whisper white. I used our markers on the tulip from the Whimsy set. Barely Banana on the flower with Apricot Appeal on the detail lines and Certainly Celery for the stem. Last but not least our new rick rack ribbon was added under the main image. Hope you enjoy. I need to RAK a few people from that list with these. Oh, to find more time in a day--hope you have a great one!


  1. Well they turned out really cute anyway! I love the tulip image in the circle and scallop. (I'll need to try that since I have this set).
    Just sorry you didn't get to send them off. Ida

  2. Very cute card Mary Jo!!! Now you have some spare RAK's!!


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