Tuesday, September 4, 2007

If you don't have it you better get it!

I seen this awesome idea for mounting the stamp set So Many Sayings here. I was so excited that I ran to the store to get more dominoes -what the heck happened to the other tins I bought for those other projects? oh well, that is another story all together- and did it right away. I am using this set so much now I can not tell you how happy I am.

And look how great they fit in one of our divided large stamp boxes. Like it was made for it. So instead of having 3 stamps I now have 34 that are quick and easy to use, no omitting involved. Ingenious! Here is what the set looks like in its original form.


  1. Super idea! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Well, I don't own that stamp set...but after seeing this, I might just run out and get it!! :) (well...order it! You KWIM)

    Thanks for sharing. That's so awesome!!

  3. love the idea with the dominio, I just ordered my set yesterday now I need to get some dominios too...
    thanks for sharing.. Deb

  4. WOW!!!! I am Totally Totally impressed. I am going to have to remount mine or get another!!!




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