Thursday, November 15, 2007

Please Return with Honor -- miss you.

This is for the Ways to Use It Challenge on SCS. The challenge is to use unique brads on a card. The brads don't match perfectly but they do not look this off in real life. I could not get a good picture but you get the point. I used a bunch of stamp sets on this for such a simple card! I used the Retired set Love it for the main image and the stencil that goes with it. The stars on the strip are from Wanted. Missing you is from So Many Sayings. Please Return is from Office Accoutrement and With Honor is from the retired God's Children stamp set. The base of the card is Sahara Sand and the other color is Always Artichoke.


  1. Wow, that's a lot of sets. Love the card! I love the paper piercing.

  2. I love the way you used that tag on this card.... helps me with new ideas :)

  3. I really like the layout the return with honor card!


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