Thursday, December 20, 2007

Back to Reality

I have gotten a bunch of e-mails asking if I fell off the face of the earth -- well although it does feel like I did and landed on my head - Let me reassure you and ME that I am still here and alive. I am so sorry for this long break but I just can not seem to get rid of this virus. I start to feel better and then WHAM there is something else. The good news is that life goes on without us and that means that my son still has his Christmas Party at school today -- which also means I had to go down to my studio and do some stamping yesterday to get the gifts done so I will post them later and try to get back to our regularly scheduled program of consistent posts. Hope every one is ready for the BIG DAY! (I know I am not even close, lol) See ya later with some actual projects to share. Thanks for the concern, it makes me feel good to know that people noticed I was not posting.

1 comment:

  1. Once a virus gets ahold of you it can be SSOO difficult to shake. Praying that you will beat it for good and start to feel like your normal self. And you are right, it's true life just moves on with or without us!


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