Friday, March 14, 2008

Say Say Oh Blogger Mates....

I can not play with you, my family has the flu, boo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo, aint got no samples, cuz I've had no time to play, but I'll be back again to play some more to play some more!

How many of you remember those hand clapping games we used to play as kids? We would play for hours and create our own versions, well here is my adult version.

It is official (word from doctor) we have the flu! Yikes, no wonder we can not stay awake. My over active 8 year old son has not been out of bed in a FULL 5 days! Only to go to the bathroom and that is it. If you knew him you would not believe me, but it is true.

But the good news is that we are all starting to feel a little bit better, I am even able to do a bit of surfing (on the lap top in bed) and I plan to check out all the samples for the bloggers challenge as well as catch up on the sketch challenge for the week. So I am off to check out both and post the new samples for this weeks sketch. Got to hurry before I run out of energy!

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