Sunday, November 2, 2008

Monday Lunchtime Sketch Challenge #42

I don't know about you but the weekends just seem to fly by. I don't feel like there is EVER enough time to get done what I have planned to get done on the weekend. The list gets longer each week with the same stuff on it week after week. Oh well, none of it is really that important when you really think about it. I did get to spend some quality time with my son and that is what is "really" important! Thanks to a friend my son was able to go to his first NHL hockey game the Buffalo Sabres against the Washington Capitals. The tickets are so stinkin expensive that we can't really afford to go--although I will try very hard to take him again since he loved it so much! It was a blast. And his favorite player - Miller the goalie for the Sabres-pulled off a shut out. My son had his fingers, toes elbows and more crossed through the entire third period for him to get that shut out. So fun. Anyway, back to the sketch challenge for the week. My card was a quick one and meant not only to use up some scraps from all my Frankie and Frankettes but to be a child thank you. My son was going to use it for our friend that gave us the tickets but he decided to make his own so I will save this one. Here is the sketch.....
And now for my card. The eyes, nose and hands holding the sign are popped up. Such a cute little monster don't you think? This set was still sitting on my table so I decided to use it again before putting it away. This set is long ago retired but still one of my favorites.

Hope you will chose to play along this week. Don't forget to stop back around noon est. to see all the rest of the teams samples. Never know who will play but you always know there will be awesome samples. Don't forget to leave a comment on this post if you chose to play along with a link to your card so I can share it with the other readers. Oh and please use the keyword TSSC42 no spaces. Here are the details.

Stamps: Monster Mania
Paper: Pink Passion, Green Galore, Whisper White and Basic Black
Ink: Basic Black
Other: rub ons, cuttlebug eb folders, top note die, black gel pen, markers

Hope you have a fabulous week and don't forget to GET OUT AND VOTE! I am not even sure who I am voting for yet, but you bet I will be voting! I hope you will too.


  1. too cute! I do know who I am voting for, but it is tough!

  2. he's the cutest lil thing. Too bad he's retired.I don't blame you for not wanting to put him away.

  3. Cute card MJ, I really like the colors together and that monster is just the best!

  4. How stinkin' cute is that?!! LOVE it!! ....and YES, I will be out to vote tomorrow, although I still have no idea who I'll pull the lever for!!

  5. Well this is just darling!
    The colors are perfect for this little monster!

  6. Great sketch and a very cute card!
    I got to play along this week. Here is mine -

  7. Great sketch! I finally got to participate!

    My card

    Thanks for looking!

  8. Love the little monster on your card! I actually got the sketch done on Monday - a record for me :)

  9. Keyword: TSSC42
    I love this template and as always her card is great. I knew right away when I saw this last night that I just had to play along too---right after I voted this morning. Here's my card:

    It was great fun to play along, thanks Mary Jo for all the great ideas. I look forward to playing more often, Nola

  10. Glad to hear your son enjoyed the hockey game. Hockey's my favorite sport (and the Caps my home team). What a cute little monster--and great sketch, too! Here's my version:

  11. Oh MJ your card is just too cute!!
    My sketch card is here:
    See you! Hetty

  12. Here's my version of your sketch

  13. I know here I go bringing up the tail end of things again but it is before Monday LOL! I uploaded it to SCS

  14. Okay, so this is a little late, but I finally have my card done for this week's sketch! (Actually, I had it done on Wednesday, but I took it over to show my mother and she hogged it all week.) Here's the link: TFL!


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