Monday, August 10, 2009

Players for sketch 81

You would not believe the storms that came through here yesterday! Not that I would know because I was doing VBS in the morning and Cub Scouts all afternoon to early evening and missed most of it! Seems we were one step ahead or behind the storm all day long. But I am told that our electric went out three times, our garage flooded and the basement could hardly keep up with two sump pumps running non stop. Then we lost our internet for a while--I was here for that, lol. Hence my late posting.

I am also going to be late with my sample for today's challenge but I do have a few from the DT to share with you! So don't go far--sketch 82 is coming right up!

Happy today!
Mary Jo
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1 comment:

  1. I finally got to post my project for this layout!
    Sorry it took so long for me to get to it!!


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