Thursday, September 10, 2009

Help me choose my new hair style!

Are you guys ready for this. Like I have NOTHING else to do, lol. I have been playing with new hair styles. I want to get a bunch cut off--I think--it really needs it because it is not feeling too healthy lately. But can't decide what to do. Will you leave a comment with which one you think is better and what you think of the color/highlights/lowlights. It is much closer to my natural color. Thanks, can't wait to see what you pick.

Number 1Number 2
Number 3
Number 4
Number 5

Number 6

Number 7

And number 8

I am not sure I like ANY of them, lol!

Thanks for the help.
Mary Jo


  1. Hi Mary Jo,
    To be honest I like your hair on your blogphoto the best. *LOL*

    Have a nice day!

  2. Number 1 or 3 are my favorites.
    Good Luck with it and let us know what you choose.

  3. MJ, you have me totally cracking up with the new hairstyles!!! Once a year I get mine chopped pretty good and I always feel so much better and it feels so healthy after I get it done.

    I think #3 would actually look darling on you! You have the face for it and bangs are in now as well.

    Go for it girl and make sure to post a picture of yourself after you do it!

  4. My vote is for #3.

    I look forward to seeing it when you get it done.


  5. I think #3 would look SO cute on you Hon! And, it's the most different and shortest from what you have now! I say #3 and I wanna see pics!!!!

  6. I think #3 is the cutest if you are serious about cutting it off.

  7. I like # 3 or #8. Let us see what you pick!

  8. I think #3 would be less work and looks really cute with your face. I also like #8. Have fun! I love getting a new look once in a while!

  9. #3 is a WINNER - do it! do it! do it!

  10. I'm on board with everyone else! #3 totally fits your face! We wanna see after pics!

  11. I like #3 as well but I also like #8 too!!!

  12. I like #3 or #8, but I think you should keep your hair lighter w/ your complexion. I like your color in your profile pic maybe w/ a little highlighting...
    Can't wait to see the after photos! :)

    Wendy Hawkinson

  13. I think I like it better the way it is...

  14. Sure, I'll go along with everyone else and say #3 :) What fun! How did you get the pictures? I'd love to do that and figure out a new hair style! :)

  15. #3 or #8 I think the long bangs, or as we say over here fringe, really suits you, but I wouldn't go so dark to start with, maybe low lights first and a gradual darkening.
    Hugs Suzi

  16. Hey MJ, I think I prefer your hair the way it is!!! But, if it's a change you want I'd go with #8. #3 is cute but #8 looks like a little more upbeat. The bangs give you a whole different look. I think it could go from a great casual every day look and then dressed up for evening. Good luck, it's only hair and will grow back no matter what you decide.

  17. How fun! - I'm in with the general consensus about #3 as that was my first pick followed by #4

  18. My choices are 3, 6, and 8!!! Hope you will share the real photo with us after the new do! Good luck!

  19. I'm going with number 3. I see the bulk of everyone else did also. Know why? B/c it's the only hair that isn't covering all of your face! You have a beautiful face, so bright and as much of it as possible (don't hide behind all that hair, LOL).

  20. I'm a hair dresser and so I can tell you my professional opinion. I like the 2 samples with NO bangs. You have a nicely shaped face, no reason to cover any of it up with bangs. Number 7 is just a longer more wavy version of #3 and since you are used to longer hair I wouldn't go as short as #3. I can imagine you still like to wear a ponytail sometimes or clip it up to look fun and easy. I know the shorter one to look good would need to be washed and blowed dried with a round brush every day, and that my dear friend would just take away time from stampin.... if you know what I mean :)
    hugs to you, sherrill graff

  21. I like your hair just the way it is, BUT, if you really want to change it, I would go with #7. It's not that different from what you have now so it wouldn't be a drastic change. Then, you can always go shorter if you decide to and try #3. Just my humble opinion!

    Lea Kimmel

  22. The first one that caught my eye is #3 and then #8. Either way your smile shows your inner beauty matches your outer beauty! Thanks for showing these. Love the idea of seeing how it would look before actually having it done.

  23. MJ: You have such pretty hair -- Really #4 or #8 would be great. I think you do well with LONG hair -- which is why I think 4 is best. Volume works for you! I know that I am a dissenting voice (everyone else seems to like #3 but I think it is too flat for your animated face!

  24. I like your current color--the one on your blog picture and it would go great with style #3.

  25. #3!! Have fun!!

    Kim Schultz LNS

  26. I believe #3 is your best look. It compliments you the best.

  27. I like 5 and 7, but that being said I like the way it is now. Be careful, I had my hair butchered two weeks ago, it was horrible! Choose your stylist wisely for big changes especially!

  28. I like 5 and 7, but that being said I like the way it is now. Be careful, I had my hair butchered two weeks ago, it was horrible! Choose your stylist wisely for big changes especially!

  29. To be truthful I really like your hair the way it is. The blogphoto is much better/younger/brighter. Stay with what you have

  30. I like 1, 3, 7 & 8 the best. They tend to make you look younger. Some of them are a little scary. You need to look at how easy it will be to maintain too. Good luck with your choice. You'll get used to it.

  31. Cut what you currently have in a shorter version with longer bangs. I agree you won't be happy w/short bangs and hair if you want to tie it back.

    I go through this same dilemma each year, and slightly longer is better.

    high light the hair :)
    Best of luck!
    oh..whichever you decide, it'll grow back :)

  32. I'll vote for #1. It is pretty much what you already have, but parted on the other side. Have fun, whatever you decide!

  33. # 3 but keep your hair color lighter...the darker color ages you and your smile is lost in the darkness. Love that smile
    patti moffett

  34. I like the way you have it over any of the samples. Why not just get a trim?

  35. I think # 3 or #8 look best on you, but I like your current hair color or at least something lighter than in the samples...maybe something in between the two.

  36. I really like #3 but #8 would also be night. Whichever you choose I am sure you will look great!


  37. I like #3 and #8 but you definitely need some highlights. I guess I'm just used to your hair being lighter and you look better with the highlights. Go for it!

  38. Hey MJ, I like your hair just the way it is on your blog, having worked in choosing models for adverts, you have a lovely face shape, and #4 is one you could go for, as you can always make it shorter by going for #3 if you find it difficult to manage it! ya know what I mean! the colour of your hair is perfect now, may be need some highlights! Good Luck! Hugs always!

  39. I would go for keeping your hairstyle of your blog picture or choose number 2 or 3.

  40. I too think your current hairstyle looks the best. But, if you want a change, I would go with #1 or #8. Keep in mind, if you don't like it, it always grows again! Good luck.

  41. Your natural color is pretty close to mine. I think you look really good in hairstyle #8. So are you gonna' go for it? Good luck. hee, hee.

  42. Number one or three. The rest make you look old or snooty. The toss up would be your personality. Three is more of a spunky modern persona and one is more of a relaxed country person.

  43. Going against the majority... I think #4 gives you a movie star look... but #3 does frame your face nicely. The lighter hair color/blonde highlights really look good on you though (your profile pic) vs the darker color is harsh. I hope you love whatever you choose.

  44. #3,7, and 8 are good with 3 being the best by far but I like your hair as is as well. It suits you. I understand the need for a change though.

  45. Have you ever thought - much shorter. Like a pixie type cut. I think you have the face for it, and they are so easy to take care of!!

  46. I like #7 the best, I think you look good with a little more length than #3 has.

  47. No contest - No. 3! Best wishes

  48. Mary Jo... I definately like #8 for you. Good Luck on your decision.

  49. I like # 3, maybae a bit shorter too! It is so hard to make a change! Good Luck! Beth

  50. #3, very youthful! very modern!
    highlights? yes!

    san francisco

  51. I thought you said NEW hairstyle...these are all basically the same hairstyle...come on where is the new stuff???? Huh? Huh? hehe

    I would like to see what you would look like with hair to your shoulders and in a bob sort of...the ones you show here just aren' :D later all

  52. LOL......#8. I like the bangs and right now bangs are in again too. I think the color should be your natural color, it would really accent your dark eyes. If you wanted some highlights they should be just a few and not too much lighter then your natural color, keeping them just on the outer layer of hair, like the sun would do naturally.

  53. I actually think #7 would match you perfectly!
    Its what makes you happy that counts the most though!

  54. MJ- I have hair that is thick like yours- your hair is beautiful long....I like #3, but....will you have to straighten it every day to achieve that look? I like the bangs alot. Post a picture when you get your hair cut, OK?

  55. Hi Mary Jo! Your hair looks good in the blog photo. I agree with most of your readers that #3 would look really good on you with your face. I think it would be easy to care for. But keep it light like in your picture on the blog. Good luck with whatever you decide. I think it will look great.
    Connie R.

  56. I really think you would look great with #3.

  57. I really like 3 on you alot! How did you do this with all the styles? I have been wanting to do something different with mine also and this is a great way to try out styles.

  58. I like your blog picture but if you want a change #3 absolutely, #6 maybe.

  59. I like the way your hair is now but if you really want a change I like number 3. Of course number 3 is close to my stlye and I am always afraid to change it so what do I know about different styles!

  60. if i have to choose, i would pick the last one.

  61. I think style #8 suits you best. The bangs made me notice the pretty eyes and the length seemed to frame your face and round it out somewhat for a balanced look.

    Dorothy in KY

  62. In order of preference, I like #3, #8, #6. Good luck and I can't wait to see what you choose, if any of them.


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