Saturday, November 14, 2009

ASK--and you shall recieve

I have been wanting to make this for quite a while now. And the My Digital Studio was the perfect answer. I used a really ugly $1.00 hanging frame that I painted and added the squares of DP to the outside, then I did the letters and scripture on the MDS and printed. Click on the frame for a better picture. This was such a fun and fast project! I am thinking of making more for gifts to friend from church. I hope you can read it by clicking on it. If not I will have to add more pictures with close ups tomorrow.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;

knock and the door will be opened to you.”

Matthew 7:7 (NIV)

Here is a devotion that I thought went with this well if you are interested. It is on my Women's Ministry Blog. CLICK HERE TO READ THE DEVOTION

All supplies are Stampin Up!--except the frame.

Off to bed I am exhausted!
Mary Jo


  1. Very, very nice Mary-Jo. Don't you just love MDS? One can do so much with it! Thank you for sharing your beautiful artwork.

  2. This is a really great idea you have here Mary Jo!
    You could make some amazing cheap gift this way. Yes personalize them.
    I like your design and the idea of using MDS - You are a smart cookie!
    Thank you for inspiring
    AKA Stampin Stressaway


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