Sunday, February 13, 2011

Top Three for Sketch chalelnge 160

Wonderful job this week ladies.  I so love seeing all the different creations from one sketch.  Incredible.  Here are my top three picks in no particular order.Remember to click on the pics to be taken to the creator's original post and see the full card in all it's glory and maybe even leave them a nice comment!

Weren't those fabulous.  Thanks again ladies. Please feel free to add my winner's button to your blogs. 

  Here is the HTML code.

<a href="" imageanchor="1" linkindex="15" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="175" src="" width="175" /></a></div>

I hope you will find time to play along with the new sketch that will be posted right after this.
Be right back with the new sketch!
Mary Jo


  1. Hi MJ! Only just realised that you picked me as one of the top 3 for sketch 159!! Thank you so much!!

  2. OMGosh Mary Jo you have just made my Valentines Day so much brighter. I will wear your badge with great honor. Thank you so much for providing such awesome inspiration each week. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

  3. Thank you MJ!!!! I saw that you picked my card, you have made my week!!!! Thanks again


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