Monday, June 15, 2015

Top Three for sketch 364!

Seems like two weeks are going by just as fast as one was before, lol.  The end of the school year around here is just crazy--especially with all these finals and a child who--let's just say--doesn't like to study!  Ugggg, only one more week of half days--all exams and they we are free!  Thank goodness.  Anyway, thanks so much to those of you who were able to find time to play along with the last sketch (you did better than me).  My top three picks are below.....


Be sure to click on the links below each sample to be taken to the creator's blog and when you are there you can read about the details and leave a little love.
Thanks ladies for playing along. 
Congratulations to the winners!  You are all welcome to add my badge to your blog if you so wish! You can find the code on my sidebar. I hope you find time to play along with the new sketch too. Thanks again!  I will be right back with the new sketch! 
Mary Jo

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