Thursday, September 20, 2007

How are you feeling?

It is so important to eat right.

Yesterday I went to the doctor for my yearly physical.
My blood pressure was high, my cholesterol was high,
I'd gained some weight, and I didn't feel so hot.

My doctor said eating right doesn't have to
be complicated and it would solve my physical
problems. He said just think in colors...
Fill your plate with bright colors... greens,
yellows, reds, etc.










I went right home and ate an
entire bowl of M&M's
. . .

And sure enough, I felt better immediately.

I never knew eating right
could be so easy.

Hope you have a GREAT day!!

This was sent to one of my groups by my friend
Ida Krause
I thought it was so true so I had to share with you!


  1. How fun to see what my friend sent me on your blog. I love the green & tan ones the best. Ida

  2. I totally had to copy this and email it out to all my friends, especially the girlfriends! Thanks for a fun friday post~

  3. lol..."I LOVE MY M&M'S"
    got some in my mouth right now!!!


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