Monday, September 2, 2013

Monday Lunchtime Sketch Challenge 278 (TSSC278)

Happy Labor Day to you and yours.  This is such a bittersweet holiday for me.  It always reminds me that summer is coming to an end.  I love summer, I love warm/hot weather, I love bare feet, I especially  love having my son home everyday with me.  But alas a new school year will begin in a few short days and I will long for the lazy crazy days of summer again.

I hope you find time to play along with my sketch challenge this week! It is an fun one and the design team has outdone themselves--again--I know I say that all the time but they are really crazy talented!

Here is this week's sketch....

And my card...

 I used the Natural Composition Specialty Paper.  If you are thinking it looks different that is because I ran my white ink pad over it to make the embossed part pop a bit more--it made it look so much darker.  I love the look, don't you?  

Stamps: Serene Silhouettes and Blessings from Heaven
Paper: Crumb Cake, Whisper White and Natural Composition Specialty Paper
Ink: Baked Brown Sugar, Whisper White
Other: scallop edge punch, 1 3/4 inch circle punch, 1 3/8 inch circle punch

Here is the rest of the teams samples...


Nicole Tugrul

It never fails to amaze me how different cards using the same sketch can look!  Aren't they great?
Now it is your turn but first here is a few rules of play...

  1. You have a full week to play along!
  2. Create a new card using the sketch as your inspiration.
  3. Use any products you choose.
  4. Add your card to your blog or other on-line spot and link back to this challenge.
  5. Come back here and add a direct link to your sample for the challenge and NOT you home page of your blog--people will not look for your challenge card--trust me.
  6. And this one is not really a rule but a request--get rid of that word verification!  It makes it hard for us to comment on your samples.  It is easier for you to delete the spam then for us to jump through tons of hoops to comment.  If your put your comments on moderation you do not have to worry about spam--you will have the option to delete it BEFORE it ever goes on your blog so you will ALWAYS be safe!
  7. Have fun and tell you friends to play too!

     Thanks for stopping by--Mary Jo 
    Add your sample to the linky tool below.


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