Monday, September 2, 2013

Top Three Picks for Sketch 277!

I really liked this sketch and will certainly use it again and again--so easy to work with, hence the great samples this week! Thanks so much to all of you who played along.  I have chosen my top three picks for the week and here they are--in no particular order...



Remember you can click on the links below the images to be taken to the creator's blog and find our all the wonderful details about the cards!  

Congratulations to all of you.
If you are a winner please feel free to add my winner button to your blog!  You can grab the code for the button on the upper left hand side of my blog.

Be right back with the new challenge! Mary Jo


1 comment:

  1. Wahoo!!! I'm way behind on blog reading from the long weekend and was HAPPY to see my card included in your top 3. I always enjoy playing along with your AWESOME sketches!


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