Sunday, September 21, 2008

Monday Lunchtime Sketch Challenge #36

I'm back again, lots of posts today! It is time again for the Monday Lunchtime Sketch Challenge. For those of you who may be new to my blog this is my personal challenge that is posted every Monday morning (late Sunday actually) I would love to have you play along. There are no rules and no time limit. The only restriction is that if you want me to post a link on here for everyone else to see it must be done before the next challenge is posted. Of course you can still send me links after that-- I love to see all your beautiful work! So don't forget to add a link in the comments of this post if you try this fun sketch! If you post to SCS please use the key words TSSC36. Here is the sketch......

And my sample......

There are quite a few subtle details that don't really show, like the felt on the brad, shinny glassware and mini pearls. I really had fun with this one. Just an FYI, I create most of my sketches from random things such as cookie boxes, signs, posters and things of that nature. Then I don't really look at them or study them at all. I open the sketch on Sunday and say "oh yea! I love this one" or " what the heck was I thinking!" (lol) So I actually challenge myself too! Won't you play along this week?

Here are the details:

Stamps: To Have and To Hold
Paper: Riding Hood Red, Pink Pirqouette and Basic Black along with the Bella Rose dp
Ink: Basic Black
Other: Taffeta Ribbon, mini pearls, felt flower brad (MM) scallop edge punch, white gel pen, nestabilities, glitter marker, clear gel pen

That's it for today! See you tomorrow. As always, thanks for stopping by.

10 nice people left a comment:

Kerry D-C said... 1

Gorgeous!! Cookies (not the boxes) give me lots of inspiration! hahaha

Anonymous said... 2

I'm so excited--I actually got to play again!! I love your sketches, but sometimes life doesn't let me stamp!! haha!! Here's my attempt:

Barbara said... 3

You are making me sorry I didn't purchase that stamp set before it retired! WhaWahWah!! the sketch, but had some trouble with it. Despite everything, I'm playing along.

Susan Hackney said... 4

Great sketch Mary JO! Loved everyone else's cards too! Here's my card -

Lisa Somerville said... 5

Great way to use this set for your sketch. Love the colors too!

Stampin_Melissa said... 6

I know it feels like ages since I have played along! Here is my card using this sketch, I made a card for Cammie's Heart to Heart blog candy.

My Heart to Heart Card

MelissaS said... 7

Well, my accent panel is too long, but here is my entry for this week:

Laura said... 8

Love this sketch- the card is beautiful, too :)

Unknown said... 9

such a fun one!! here's mine:

Lori said... 10

I really like this sketch, Mary Jo. Your sample is gorgeous. The ribbon is a beautiful touch. Here's my version: