Sunday, January 27, 2013

Please Note--IMPORTANT notice about tutorials

Please note if you have purchased a tutorial from me in the last few weeks--or ever for that matter--that was blurry or not to satisfaction please let me know--after selling tons of them I had one person say that two of them were blurry--so I went in and downloaded them and seen that they did indeed get blurry when transferring to PDF.  I sent a sample to my hubby and he said it looked great--go figure!  I have tried to e-mail anyone who may have purchased one of the tutorials in question but may have missed you.  If I did please let me know.

Again if you ever have an issue with a tutorial please let me know as soon as possible--I will not be offended--I will be very appreciative.  I have sent a free tutorial to everyone who got one of the blurry ones along with the clear version of the original. 

Thanks so much for all the purchases I truly appreciate them. 

1 nice people left a comment:

Cheryl Mooney said... 1

No problem with my tutorial.