Saturday, October 25, 2008

Late Blogger's Challenge #70 Dollar Store Creations

OK, so I am way late with this week's Blogger's Challenge. But as they say -- better late than never. This week's challenge was to create a gift for someone. Well I bought these items at the dollar store more than a month ago with the intentions of altering them. So this was the time to do it. I am pretty happy with the results. It was fast and easy too--not too many details but still nice and where else are you getting a gift for THREE DOLLARS!

The pencil holder has all four images from the Pocket Silhouettes set with the words, love, laugh, dream and imagine. I kept to three colors-Kiwi Kiss, Pink Pirouette and Riding Hood red with a accent of black. The hardest part of the whole thing was the calender. I finally found one that would fit on SUDSOL. I am sorry I can not share it here, it is demonstrator only site that you pay to join and we are not allowed to share files from there with others. If you are a demonstrator there is a blinkie at the top of my blog that will get you a free trial period that you would be able to use to download it. I will look around for another calenar that I CAN share. The bottom two spots below the calendar are for pictues. I was going to decorate it but decided that eveyone loves pictues on their calendars so I chose to leave that part as is. Hope you enjoy. If you have any quesions please let me know. You need to leave your e-mail in the comment though since Blogger don't like to give it to me, lol.

Be right back with more Sketch 40 players--I am late with that too!

15 nice people left a comment:

Lynn Mercurio said... 1

Wonderful gift set, Mary Jo...and such a bargain too! :) Don't you just love finds like that?!

Barb Hardeman said... 2

What a beautiful set you created for the challenge this week. I don't ever think about going to find something at the dollar store, but I love the idea of the paper-weight. I'll have to go and scour my dollar store for one. Thanks for sharing your incredible talent...

Lisa Bohler said... 3

What a beautiful color combination for this challenge! Love it!

Lisa Bohler said... 4

What a beautiful color combination for this challenge! Love it!

Basement Stamper said... 5

Great gift set, love the colors you chose on it!

Ida said... 6

Very nice. I really like the paperweight.

Nikki Bond said... 7

What am amazing gift set! Love your color choices! Beautiful! {SMILEs}

Patti Chesky said... 8

What a fabulous gift set!!!! I love the dollar stores for alterables like this. Great job!!

Rhonda Kelly said... 9

WOW! This is fabulous! And for $3!!! you can't beat that. You did a great job on the altering of these items, I love this little set and would love to give or receive as a gift. Great job!

Lisa Somerville said... 10

Wonderful gift set MJ!

Claudia Perry said... 11

Your projects were well worth the wait! They turned out great!!! By the way when I need to print out calendars in different sizes I do that with a free program from RedCastle. You can find it here:

Kimberly Gajewski said... 12

What a fantastic gift set Mary Jo! Such a great find! You did a wonderful job on this challenge! :D

Anonymous said... 13

Very pretty set! It turned out great...and wow, only $3? :)

I found a good tear-off calendar on SCS (searched for "tear-off"). There was a pdf and also an Excel file so I was able to edit it to suit my needs...

Anonymous said... 14

Great gift set, Mary Jo! What a great present it would be.

Kristen said... 15

MJ, your gift set is gorgeous. Everything is so elegant. Love it all. TFS